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Welcome to the website of Blazecka’s Greenhouses Incorporated, a family owned and operated business since 1924.
At Blazecka’s Greenhouse Nursery, we grow over 100 different annual bedding plants, herbs, and vegetable plants and much more to add life and colour to any garden. For information on specific plants and growing instructions, visit BloomIQ.com. Annuals Annual flowers are appreciated for their variety, colours and growing habits – many blooming continuously from the moment they are planted until the first fall frost. Annual plants and flowers are those which complete their life cycle within one year. Most are native to warmer, tropical regions but do not tolerate Northern Ontario’s cold fall and winter temperatures. A few hardy annuals, like pansies, can tolerate light frost. Annuals are ideally suited for the garden border – coming into bloom after the spring perennials complete their explosion of colour, filling bare areas of the garden where colour and interest is desired and for all types of container gardening, including pots, planters and window boxes. The advantage of an annual garden is it can be changed each year to incorporate new varieties and keep your landscape looking fresh and exciting. Where To Buy The best place to purchase your annual plants and flowers is from a grower, like Blazecka’s Greenhouse nursery, where the plants are grown by knowledgeable and experienced greenhouse staff ready to help you with all your gardening needs to create an instant garden to showcase and enjoy all season long. Experience the greenhouse/grower environment at Blazecka’s Greenhouse Nursery where the knowledgeable and professional staff can work with you to create custom made-to-order planters to personally reflect your personality and style. |