Tips on How to Plant a Tree or ShrubThe best time of year to plant a tree or shrub is in the spring and fall. The air is still cool, and the ground wet from the melting snow and the tree is just coming out of or going into dormancy.
Water only when the soil on top is dry.
If it has been raining, then don’t water. If it has been hot outside, then check the moisture of the soil by squeezing some soil to see if any moisture drips out. If none does, then water the tree around the outside perimeter where the hole was dug. Add a thick layer of mulch to help with watering and to keep the weeds down.
Ease off on the fertilizer for the first few weeks to give the roots a chance to go wandering for nutrients. When you do fertilize, try to use a water-soluble fertilizer and water on the outside area of the hole to entice the roots outward.
Do not fertilize after mid-August as the tree will naturally start to shut down around this time for the winter and fertilizing then will only promote new growth.
If it has been raining, then don’t water. If it has been hot outside, then check the moisture of the soil by squeezing some soil to see if any moisture drips out. If none does, then water the tree around the outside perimeter where the hole was dug. Add a thick layer of mulch to help with watering and to keep the weeds down.
Ease off on the fertilizer for the first few weeks to give the roots a chance to go wandering for nutrients. When you do fertilize, try to use a water-soluble fertilizer and water on the outside area of the hole to entice the roots outward.
Do not fertilize after mid-August as the tree will naturally start to shut down around this time for the winter and fertilizing then will only promote new growth.